Category Archives: Draw Something 30 Day Challenge

Day 29: Somewhere I'd Like to Go by Lili Cabena

30 Day Drawing Challenge: Day 29: Somewhere I’d Like to Go

Day 29: Somewhere I'd Like to Go by Lili Cabena
Day 29: Somewhere I’d Like to Go by Lili Cabena

I’ve still got a couple days left of the Drawing Challenge, which I started ages ago, so I’ve finally time to blog day 29.

‘Somewhere I’d Like to Go’. I’d wanted to live by the beach in Sydney for years and finally got to do so last year and couldn’t be happier! I did this quick illustration of sea urchins to capture what it is I like about the beach – the pretty pastel and subtle colours and blue shades of the ocean.

Figs Watercolour & Acrylic by Lili Cabena

Day 28: Anything You’d Like

As you can tell I love illustrating food! This sketch is taken from my recipes page which I will be updating with recipes – feel free to leave a comment if you want me to illustrate any favourite recipes – I would be glad to get some ideas!

Figs Watercolour & Acrylic by Lili Cabena
Watercolour & Acrylic by Lili Cabena
Day 27: Someone You Love

Day 27: Someone I Love

Day 27: Someone You Love. Pencil and Ink sketch by Lili Cabena
Day 27: Someone I Love. Pencil and Ink sketch by Lili Cabena

Here it is – quick sketch of my beau D. Don’t worry – he’s not always looking this grumpy! He’s actually delightful, just hates posing for photos!

Day 26: Something I Don’t Like



Staying on the subject of food, nothing really springs to mind when I have to draw something I dislike…I’m a foodie and I eat everything! I quite like pineapple but I’m pretty allergic to it so that means it’s something I can’t eat so I’ve featured it here!


Pineapple by Lili Cabena Acrylic and Ink

Only four more days of The Drawing Challenge – tomorrow… someone you love 🙂


After the Rain

Day 25: Scenery

This acrylic on canvas depicts an imaginary dreamlike landscape. I called it ‘After the Rain’ because after the rain the colours of the grass and foliage are brighter and more vivid. I wanted to show how when you go through a very difficult time, you come out the other side and everything looks more beautiful thanks to the rainstorm that has passed.

After the Rain
After the Rain Acrylic on Canvas

Day 24: A Couple


A lovely friend of mine who is getting married this year asked me to design some wedding dress ideas for her. Here are some of my sketches!

Day 22 Couple_Wedding Dress4Sketch 1 – Ink sketch by Lili Cabena

Wedding Dress1 Pencil sketch by Lili Cabena
Wedding Dress 2
Ink sketch by Lili Cabena

Day 22 Couple_Wedding Dress2Wedding Dress 3
Ink sketch by Lili Cabena

Day 22 Couple_Wedding Dress3Wedding Dress 4
Ink Sketch by Lili Cabena

Day 22 Couple_Wedding Dress5Wedding Dress 5
Ink Sketch by Lili Cabena

Day 22 Couple_Wedding Dress6Wedding Dress 6
Ink Sketch by Lili Cabena

See you tomorrow for the next illustration in the 30 Day Challenge – Day 25: Scenery!






6 Really Easy Things to do Every Day to Feel Healthier

Or Day 23: Something I Need

I don’t know about you but these days I am needing less coffee, less processed foods, more sleep, more activity and less sitting down all day. But with studying, deadlines and working a desk job it’s hard to do all those things – especially for us design folk – coffee is our refuge when creativity is called for. So I’ve compiled a list of 6 things to do to feel healthier when I’m tired and just have no time to hit the gym!

Day 23: Something I Need - Vitamins

Something I Need: Vitamins!
Acrylic & Watercolour on Paper

1. Move Around!
If I can’t get to the gym at lunchtime I try to start the day with a 15 minute workout before I leave the house. It’s easy to fit in before a shower and wakes you up leaving you feeling so positive for the day ahead! These 15 minute workouts are easily downloadable on Pinterest (Save them to your phone) – 15 minutes is so short but better than nothing and hey, it all counts! And it might just put you in the frame of mind to go to the gym later that day so throw on your favourite tunes and do thoses jumping jacks!

2. Get Outside!
Get out in the sunshine! If you don’t feel like a morning workout, a 20 minute walk in the morning (45 mins if you can) before breakfast does wonders for your mood and concentration that day. Even if it’s rainy, stick on the headphones and jacket and brave the elements! You’ll feel better you did!

2. Fruit and Veg at Every Meal
Start the day with something unprocessed – a piece of fruit or wholemeal toast, spinach and a poached egg. Replacing processed foods with clean foods, even for this one meal, will leave you with so much more energy. For the remaining meals, eat colourfully, so fill up on lots of fruits and veg of every colour making this the largest part of the meal. Thereby decreasing the calorie intake without having to cut your portion size.

PomegranateEat colourful! Having a salad? Think of the opposite colour to salad greens (which is red) and add red accents to liven it up such as pomegranate, watermelon or red grapes!

3. Replace your Barista Coffee with a Green Smoothie
Yes I know a green smoothie is not as satisfying as a coffee and cookie when 3.30-itis sets in but you can’t beat that virtuous feeling when you’ve just had a green juice. It’s much the same price as a coffee – why not hand over your $5 for something that’s good for you for a change? Besides 3.30pm is too late to be grabbing a coffee hit. Coffee after 2pm is risking a sleepless night that evening.

4. Drink More water
Obvious but so important. While working at your desk, try to consume 8 tall glasses of water a day. Remember, if it’s not a meal time, you’re not hungry, you’re bored. Go drink a large glass of water and you’ll feel better. Flavour a chilled jug of water with mint leaves and lemon to make it more palateable.

5. A Little Less Sugar
I don’t mind in indulging in a little sugar but for me, lollies and chocolate are addictive. If I have some I will crave more that evening. So I try to challenge myself to go off them for a few days at a time and replace them with a snack like an apple or nectarine. It just takes 3 days for the addiction to leave me and before long even the smell of lollies and sugar is sickly*. Go on, challenge yourself and see how long you can go without your usual sugary vices!

6. Bed Before 10
I’m the worst culprit for late nights but it makes such a difference to how I feel next day if I get to bed before 10pm. You’ll also sleep better as you’ve had less coffees and had your last coffee before 2pm. Try it for one week and see how much easier it is to wake before your alarm in the mornings.

* Authors note: I can’t stay that I stay in this healthy state for more than a few days!

Hope you’ve enjoyed my tips to a healthier day – now I need to stick by these rules and keep up the good habits!




Day 20: Something Orange

Day 20: Something Orange

Autumn is here so this watercolour is full of shades of orange and gold and all the lovely colours of the fall. This is for my friend Amanda whose birthday it is today.

Day 20: Something Orange
Day 20: Something Orange by Lili Cabena

She won’t see it and won’t know I’m writing about her as I haven’t told her about this blog. Come to think about it I’ve barely told any friends about this blog yet but once I have some more art pieces up here I might be brave and spread the word!

Day 20: Something Orange... on greyDay 20: Something Orange (on grey) by Lili Cabena

wrapping paper background

I loved creating this watercolour so made it into a free printable wrapping paper for you to download and print! Try the link below and let me know if it works! Bear with me as this is the first free printable I’ve added!

autumn wrap_lili cabenahr

Something I Miss_detail

Day 22: Something I Miss

Happy nearly hump day! This has been a manic week for me and I haven’t been home much due to too many commitments for friends’ birthdays and whatnot… so here is a painting I started a while ago but I thought it would suit for Day 22: Something I Miss.

Day 22: Something I Miss by Lili Cabena
Day 22: Something I Miss by Lili Cabena

This painting sorta reminds me of my home town of Howth on the East coast of Ireland. Howth is a little coastal village which was settled by Vikings in 819. I miss its colourful pastel shop-fronts and walks along the pier to looking out to the island of Ireland’s Eye.

Pots n Pans

Day 21: Your turn to wash up tonight!

Day 21: Something I Want – A Dishwasher!

Pots n Pans by Lili Cabena. Day 21: Something I Want.
Pots n Pans by Lili Cabena. Day 21: Something I Want.

I’ve skipped Day 20: Something Orange for lack on inspiration (I’ll come back to that one in the next few days) and gone straight on to Day 21: Something I Want…

Detail of Pots n PansDetail of Pots n Pans

I really would have much more time if I had a dishwasher but can’t fit one into our tiny kitchen so in my next house I’m definitely having one!