Tag Archives: Gouache

Day 2: My Favourite Animal

Day 2: My Favourite Animal
A young deer and an adult
Draw Something

Day 4: My Favourite Place

The mountains are grand aren’t they? Green and verdant and refreshing… in a mountain spring sorta way. And on a rainy day they oh so much more beautiful.

Ok, so I’ve taken a bit of creative license here but as I’m a graphic designer by trade, I figured type is allowed. This piece is inspired by an artwork on Pinterest that I have liked for ages, and created with one of my favourite places in mind, the Blue Mountains, Australia. I hope it brings an energising breath of fresh mountain air to your day!

Original Sketch:

move to the mountains_1

Text Added:

move to the mountains_2

Green Setting Added:

move to the mountains_3

Getting Carried Away…

move to the mountains_4

This one I’ll be printing large scale and hanging on my wall:

move to the mountains_5

Geometric shapes and transparencies added:


Thanks for tuning in! More artwork tomorrow with the theme ‘My Best Friend’.

Day 3: My Favourite Food

I am pretty partial to lollies. I have been known to go through a bag in one sitting, especially when working. There are so many other foods that would be good to draw but something about the bright artificial colours of lollies made me want to create this quick sketch with heightened colours. You can almost smell the sugar!

Day3_fave_foodCharcoal, pencil & gouache on paper.

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